Google Analytics Now Exports Data Directly to Google Sheets

Google has recently revealed a new feature that is set to change the way marketers work with data from Google Analytics, as users will be able to export dashboards to Google Sheets. The recent major update of this product unburdens users from handling data transfers manually, as well as performing all sorts of tricks and hacks that would have otherwise been required to mine big data for insights.

Bridging the Gap Between Data Collection and Analysis

The ability to export Google Analytics data directly to Google Sheets addresses a long-standing challenge faced by marketers and analysts: complementing each other in a way that collection of data is followed by its analysis and understanding. In this update, users needed up to four steps and multiple UI interactions to transfer the data from Google Analytics to the preferred analytical tools which was time-consuming and error-prone at times.

Thankfully, with this “Export to Google Sheets” feature, Google has addressed this issue and made it easy to bring data from surveys to analysis and collaboration. The process is remarkably straightforward: to share data for any given report, the users have to click on the symbol “share this report” at the top right corner of the desired report, which would open a drop-down menu in which the “download file” option needs to be clicked, therefore, selecting “export to Google Sheets” option.

Enhancing Collaboration and Sharing

Apart from cleaning data analysis, the new export feature also enhances team and stakeholder collaboration. Google Analytics has expanded the usage options of their tool by introducing report sharing through a link, thus making it easier to present information to employees across the organization.

In order to share a report link, the user must have a role as a minimum Viewer at the property level in Google Analytics. Once the link is created, it shall be possible to copy the link and share it to other team members or stakeholders once they are involved with the study, this will create a constructive interaction among the members as they will have access to the data they need.

Expanded Export Options and Advanced Capabilities

Although the direct export to Google Sheets appears to be the biggest feature of this update, Google Analytics still has several other export types to suit customer’s various requirements. However, users still were able to download Reports in PDF or CSV format which solved the problem of compatibility since it can be supported by most programs.

Moreover, some recent features of Google have been released which includes the integration of Google Analytics with Looker Studio where users can share report data within the versatile data visualization and business intelligence tool. For those who want to have even further exporting functionality, the Analytics Data API is still a part of the service, offering more versatile options and fine-tuning possibilities.

Streamlining Data-Driven Decision-Making

Google Analytics’ feature of directly transferring data to Google Sheets is highly beneficial because it enhances the ability of marketers and analysts to make conclusions fast. Through removing the extravagant work that has to do with transferring information and additional time-consuming issues, Google helped organizations and related teams to leave all these issues behind them and target the real goal of information analysis, decision-making instead.

With the web becoming more complex and data being more essential for success, tools that can enhance the analysis of the information and cooperation between employees will be highly beneficial. The new changes Google recently made to Google Analytics show how the company is willing to help marketers do their job in the new world full of data.

Moving forward, one must wonder if this integration with Google Sheets is the first in a line of new and creative ways that the company will be using their service. The field of artificial intelligence and especially the machine learning is constantly evolving, and therefore in the future we will witness even more impressive progress in terms of data analysis and cooperation possibilities integrated to the Google’s set of tools used in marketing and analysis, which means more opportunities to uncover all the potential hidden in data for marketers.