YouTube Tests Picture-in-Picture Ads for Live Streams

YouTube is trying a new ad format for live streams and picture-in-picture mid-roll ads. This innovation aims to enhance the streaming experience by displaying smaller, non-intrusive ads over the ongoing live content.

What’s New?

YouTube is experimenting with picture-in-picture ads that will appear at the top of live broadcasts. This means that instead of traditional mid-roll advertisements that interrupt the stream, viewers will see an ad overlay while continuing to watch the live content. The goal is to allow creators to monetize their streams without disrupting the viewing experience.

According to YouTube, “We’re testing Picture-in-Picture for live mid-rolls. Some viewers on select devices will start seeing this new ad format soon, enabling creators to run ads without interrupting the live stream!”

Why It Matters

The traditional method of inserting mid-roll ads interrupts the flow of a live stream, which can be disruptive and frustrating for viewers. This new format minimizes disruption by keeping ads aside while the main content continues uninterrupted.

Last September, YouTube began testing mid-roll ads for live streams with features like countdown timers and delays to mitigate interruptions. The new picture-in-picture format builds on this by making ads even less intrusive, which could help balance advertising needs with viewer experience.

For creators, this format offers a promising opportunity to boost revenue. YouTube reports that creators using automated live mid-roll ads have seen an average increase of more than 20% in ad revenue per hour. This updated format could attract more creators to enable ads, providing a new revenue stream while maintaining a better viewer experience.

What’s Next?

The ads will be tested on selected live streams within the YouTube app. As YouTube continues to refine this format, it could become a standard feature, offering a more seamless integration of ads into live content.

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